Monday, February 28, 2011

writing for me

I read a friend's blog earlier and it sparked some thoughts and ideas. Click here and read it too! So I decided that I would do a little "free writing" with everything going on upstairs...

 It is so funny to me that once I came to terms with the fact that what I create doesn't have to sound like anyone else that is when my creativity began to spark. Over the past ten years I have really learned so much about who I am but I think I've been scared to let that show in my writing. I was always so afraid no one wanted to hear anything about me. So here I am, after wasted time, realizing that what I write is really for me, its my expression, my outlet. If someone hears it and identifies with it that makes it even more worth it but I write for me. I write about me. I write about friends in my life and situations I see.

In her blog, Ruta says "Write what you feel. Write what you imagine. Write what you love." Never EVER did she say, "Write what you think people will want to read." (or in my case "hear") There are some artists that I LOVE but that doesn't mean I need to sound or write like they do. I absolutely adore Pink, her courage, her honesty, her sincerity and her amazing ability to say whatever the crap she wants. BUT I'm not Pink. I think I would get fired from my current employer. If not fired at least suspended and there would be committee called to deal with the craziness. haha! Not to mention the fact that my Mom would have me on every prayer chain she could come in contact with! (Sorry for the Pink rant, my inner rock star loves her.) Anyway...I'm just me. I can't pretend to know what anyone would really want to hear but I know what I like to hear and I know what I need to say.

I agree with Ruta. I don't really know that much but I do know who I am. So I will write about me, my life and my dreams. I'm learning more about myself and I'm experiencing new ways to love others every day. That's great news for me because I know that if I keep my guitar handy my life will produce lyrics and melodies that I love. The world may never hear them but I will and I will cherish every one.

So I'm taking "write what you are" to heart. Thanks for the reminder, friend!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Ruta "Write what you feel". So I had my laugh for the day. I'm sure there are 1,000 lyrics that you can write about the things in your life.
