Monday, March 25, 2013


On Good Friday of 2012 I heard a question that still sparks my thoughts to this day.

Do you celebrate the violence of the cross or do you celebrate the power of the resurrection?

I have thought about this numerous times throughout the year and I believe that during Holy Week this question must be revisited.  The cross without the resurrection is simply another act of Roman capital punishment. Good Friday without Easter Sunday is merely the death of a prophet. But this question of the celebration of violence vs. power has become deeper and more personal to me.

Do I celebrate the violence? Do I focus on the condemnation that was hailed at Jesus during his sentencing? Am I living a life that shouts hatred and injustice to the world around me? Am I the voice that says you must be punished for the mistakes of this world? Do I hurl unfounded accusations at my neighbor? Have I become a person that will stand idly by and watch the innocent beaten and abused? Will I accept the obvious evils and murderous attitudes because I am willing to simply ride the wave of public opinion?

The violent cross is not the end of the story. Resurrection power came.

Do I celebrate the power?  Do I focus on the spaces that are filled with the light of grace? Am I living in a way that shouts forgiveness to the world around me? Am I the voice that speaks mercy to the corrupt? Do I hurl a message of love at my neighbor? Have I become the person that will actively fight for those who can no longer fight for themselves? Will I be an advocate for the injustice of this world in the face of public opinion?

I remember the pain and violence of the cross. But this week, I will celebrate the power of grace, mercy and resurrection.

What will you celebrate?

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